New frontiers in Customer Research

Written by Kailas | Mar 18, 2020 5:34:08 PM

Pomegranate launches customer testing lab harnessing academic grade knowledge into the boutique agency space.


I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do
Leonardo da Vinci

Pomegranate is launching Ei Lab.

Big news! Pomegranate is entering the lucrative testing market with its own hi-tech neurotesting lab. By enhancing existing customer research techniques with the latest body monitoring equipment we can gauge excitement, emotion, and cognitive processing as participants interact with brands, products and services.

Previously these tests would rely on the participant reflecting on what they felt as they performed guided actions. Now we can monitor participants having a natural experience of brands properly reflecting what potential customers do in the real world.

Pomegranate believes that the closer we get to understanding how people think and feel in the real world the closer we can get to fine tuning a brand, product or service toward real results.

38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content/layout is unattractive

Why we created the lab

The road to an optimised site starts with making sure the customer has the ability to purchase your products. From there we need to dig deeper to see what triggers your customers to purchase. Then making sure those triggers are replayed in your digital experience. E.g. David loves bargains so to make sure that he sees discounted items as part of their digital experience means he is more likely to convert.

We created the Pomegranate Lab as a result of our need to access cutting edge tools to enhance our creation of compelling digital experiences based on the deepest research available. Having those tools in house has allowed us to develop the strongest research process enabling Fast Accurate Customer Testing (that’s a FACT!).

Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.”
– Andrew Davis, Author ‘Brandscaping


The Benefits of Deep CX: Who it’s for?

We are often asked to help clients with their struggles against low conversion rates, safeguarding against the risk of disruption and the persistent need to foster customer loyalty. Sound objectives for sure, but ones which need deep understandings of where their brand sits within their customer landscape.

The ecosystem of customer experience contains; brand, product, customer, and community and having a session to show you what your customers are thinking and feeling is likely to become more necessary as eCommerce becomes more competitive. Whether our clients have an in house Customer Experience (CX) team that wants to boost a research spike or whether they need some help in framing an insightful study we have the capabilities to test whatever facet will bring the most benefit.

With the ability to test how users create a narrative journey in their minds we can see what they looked at when they had a certain emotion response. What the user is experiencing can vary; from a trailer, to a poster, to a website, to audio to handling a physical product and by using EEG brainwave mapping technology we can note what reaction the user had to specific features. Delving further into their reactions we can unpick what aspects of an experiential moment was key for the customer. At that point we have an individual hypothesis to iterate in prototype or design homing in on the most effective experience for the client’s core outcome.

Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability - they should go hand in hand
– Don Norman, CX Guru

This may seem like taking the creativity out of the design process however by basing the ‘brief’ on deep research, creatives are able to nuance their work towards research backed goals (E.g. emphasise the concept of trust with fluid images when describing product benefits). The creation of deep content briefs is a direct outcome from our cognitive testing process (and Don Norman’s great work too) which give the guidance required for predictable greatness!

It is an exciting time for CX and as we continue working with more partners and clients, we are learning more about how the human brain perceives digital media, how we create interaction strategies, and how we form relationships in a virtual world. Remembering that the strength of your customer relationships is key to creating recurrent revenue streams. Which, after all, is what we’re here for.